What is Title 1?
Title I-A: Improving Basic Programs is a federal program that helps students who are most at risk to meet state academic standards and be proficient on state assessments. This program provides funding to districts and schools that can be used for professional development, extended-time programs, and other strategies to help raise achievement levels. Title I-A laws hold states, districts, and schools accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students.
Language Instruction Educational Program and Procedures:
Upon registering, students that were identified as speaking another language at home, will be assessed within 30 days of enrollment by the school WIDA coordinator. The WIDA will be used as a screener for students who were not previously identified as English Learners to determine if they meet the requirements for being in the program.
To exit the EL program once entered, students will need to meet requirements based on the WIDA test following an annual assessment.
Title 1 at MCS:
Mountain Community School is taking active measures to improve student achievement through a comprehensive literacy program. This program includes supporting students at their grade level as well as supporting students at their individual level. Parents will be notified if their students are struggling in reading. Students needing more support will receive additional reading support every day outside of their English Language Arts time.
Title 1 Coach at MCS:
Sarah Lenda, Miss Lenda, is our Title 1 Coach, bringing in years of experience working with readers of all abilities. She is excited to help all our students achieve their reading goals and exceed their expectations!