Community Projects
Community Projects are worked on daily as a whole class. Community projects start with a question or problem the class would like to tackle. Applying state standards, teachers bring in experts and resources and help students map out a plan to address their driving question. Community experts may be brought into the classroom or students travel to sites on Leave to Learn (like a field trip but with greater purpose). The project culminates with a community sharing of their findings and then self reflection. Projects might take on questions like what is fire’s role in our ecosystem, why do we need bees, what is a wetland and why do we need to protect it, what’s the best way to travel on snow, how can we support food creation in valley county, to mini projects like how to make food for a Friendsgiving or how to make healthy choices we can maintain.
Community projects help students to be active members of their community and develop problem solving and collaboration skills as they work together to understand their topic and develop their presentation or final product.