Randall "Randy" AnNUNZiato | 6/7/8 Teacher

An outdoor enthusiast. A place-based project collusionist. I hail from the east but have settled in the West. From cultural immersion to science-based research, I use these experiences in my classroom to foster student engagement.

With years of teaching experience and community-based project stewardship, I aim to bring young working hands into the local community. I am fluent in English, Spanish, and a little "ramblish" (the new language Middle Schoolers have created) to try to connect with students across cultural and geographical boundaries. I believe nature has the answers. I hope to provide students with access to tools to hear and create within their bounds.

My life-partner, Briana, and I are developing ~12 acres of land.

Along with my teaching certificate, I have a B.S. in Sports Biology & M.S. in Natural Resources. I also have permaculture design certificate, a yoga teacher credential, an EMT/paramedic license, and have worked at Brundage as a volunteer ski patroller.


Bre Anderson | 4-5 Teacher


Sarah Lenda | Title 1 Coach